The Week Ahead (19-23 February 2018)

In our pursuit to making rights real, we bring to you our plans and activities for the week. This is done, in so that the public, media and our partners are always aware of our cases and advocacy activities. We hope that this is not only informative but encourages everyone to contribute towards our goal, which is making rights real.


19 February 2018

Lawyers for Human Rights (LHR) appeared in the Pretoria High Court regarding the #MiningCharter matter.

The matter was postponed indefinitely but with an order that the community applicants in this case be regarded as stakeholders for purpose of consultation in the development of the new Mining Charter. This is an historic victory for mining affected communities, with a court saying for the first time that communities will be included in the development of this key document whose purpose is to promote transformation of the industry and the upliftment of Mining affected communities.

For the more details on the case visit our twitter page (@LHR_SA) and our Facebook page (Lawyers for Human Rights)

Also LISTEN to Michael Clements on SA FM tomorrow (20 February 2018) from 08h00am to 09h00am discussing the case in more detail.

Our #Statelessness team also attended the Provincial Steering Committee Meeting on Unaccompanied and Separated Migrant Children where NGOs and government departments work together to address the concerns of this group.


20 February 2018

Our #Statelessness team will be attending the Johannesburg Pastoral Care’s national meeting to speak about #stateless and #undocumented children.

The team will also be presenting at a three-day training on documenting unaccompanied and separated migrant children with the National Steering Committee on Unaccompanied and Separated Migrant Children.


21 February 2018

Our Durban law Clinic will be attending the DOJ&CD, SAHRC and ProBono.Org outreach clinic initiative in Chatsworth. This initiative is designed to inform the community about their rights and responsibilities; to create a platform for the community to engage directly with stakeholders and to provide a free legal advisory desk. LHR will be setting up a help desk and providing legal advice on refugee issues


22 February 2018

LHR's Strategic Litigation Programme will be representing the Casual Worker's Advice Office (CWAO) at the Constitutional Court. CWAO have been admitted as amicus curiae in this matter concerning the identification of the employer in Temporary Employment Services (TES) contracts. CWAO argues the amendments to the Labour Relations Act make clear that TESs are not the employee of long term workers. The case will seek to address the vulnerabilities imposed on casual workers by Labour Brokers and allow workers to claim their rights in law directly from their employers.

You can follow the courts proceeding by following us on twitter (@LHR_SA) or our Facebook page (Lawyers for Human Rights)

The Gender Equality Programme will join the Legal Resources Centre for its screening of a documentary about the experiences of transgender refugees.

The programme will also attend the Legal Resources Centre book launch of their book entitled The Pursuit of Equality in South Africa on Friday.